Isso Remove Todo o COCÔ e Inchaço da Barriga!

Uma pessoa saudável apresenta um trânsito intestinal razoavelmente regular e as fezes são eliminadas do organismo com facilidade, sem muito esforço ou desconforto. Embora a frequência normal das dejeções varie de indivíduo para indivíduo, 95% dos adultos saudáveis apresentam um padrão que pode variar de três vezes por dia até três vezes por semana.

O bom funcionamento intestinal depende de três elementos inseparáveis. São eles: a ingestão de água, o consumo de fibras e a prática de atividade física. A regularidade da atividade intestinal só é adequada quando estes três fatores são atendidos.

As fibras auxiliam na formação do bolo fecal e, em parceria com a quantidade de água ingerida e a atividade física, são responsáveis por estimular a atividade muscular intestinal.

Remédio caseiro para melhorar o intestino:

Para preparar o remédio caseiro, você vai precisar dos seguintes ingredientes:


2 litros de água;

1 colher de (sopa) de sementes de chia e dois limões.

Modo de preparo:

Coloque as sementes de chia na água e agite bem;

Use uma jarra de vidro;

Deixe repousar por dez minutos antes de começar a tomar;

Esprema os limões;

Beba 1 litro na parte da manhã e o restante à tarde.

Como melhorar o intestino:

Para melhorar o funcionamento do intestino e acabar com a barriga inchada é recomendado diminuir o consumo de alimentos que possam aumentar a formação de gases intestinais, especialmente aqueles que fermentam no intestino, como alimentos com glúten, com lactose, ou alimentos com fermento, por exemplo. Algumas dicas de alimentação para desinchar a barriga são:

Substituir o pão comum pelo pão do tipo “pita” e torradas especiais sem glúten, assim como cereal ou qualquer alimento que contenha trigo;

Trocar o leite e derivados por produtos à base de soja, por exemplo;
Substituir os refrigerantes e sucos industrializados por água e coco, pois além de terem menos calorias, facilitam a digestão;

Trocar carnes vermelhas, produtos embutidos e enlatados por carne branca grelhada sem molho e produtos in natura.

Além disso, fazer exercício físico e apostar numa dieta mais rica em água e em alimentos com fibra também é muito importante para melhorar o funcionamento do intestino e evitar a formação de gases intestinais, aliviando a sensação de barriga inchada.

¿La mejor receta natural para limpiar el colon?

Mezcla de vinagre de sidra de manzana y miel

Una receta fácil y natural para limpiar el colon es mezclar vinagre de sidra de manzana puro y miel cruda.

Ingredientes :

  • 8 onzas de agua tibia
  • 2 cucharadas de miel cruda sin filtrar
  • 2 cucharadas de vinagre de sidra de manzana de calidad

Método :

Comienza llenando tu vaso o tu taza con agua tibia. Vierte un poco de vinagre de sidra de manzana en el agua y remueve también la miel cruda. Esta mezcla funciona mejor si la preparas justo antes de acostarte.

Asegúrate de consumirla de inmediato. Es posible que al día siguiente se produzcan espasmos en el colon, lo que indica una evacuación intestinal.
Disfruta de una bomba de limonada picante

Esta receta natural para limpiar el colon es deliciosa y saludable. Todo lo que necesitarás son unos simples ingredientes que ya tienes en tu despensa. Para hacer esta bebida de limpieza de colon.

Ingredientes :

  • 1/2 cucharada de miel cruda
  • 1/4 de taza de jugo de limón fresco
  • Una pizca de pimienta de cayena
  • Una pizca de jengibre molido
  • 1 taza de agua caliente
  • Opcional: una pizca de cúrcuma en polvo

Método :

Empieza llenando una taza o un vaso con agua caliente.
A continuación, añada el zumo de limón e incorpore la miel y las especias calientes.
Deja que los ingredientes se disuelvan y consúmelos inmediatamente.
Puede esperar que los espasmos del colon indiquen una evacuación intestinal muy pronto.

Limpieza de colon casera con zumos


1 taza de zumo de manzana 100 por ciento puro y orgánico
4 cucharadas de jugo de limón fresco
2 cucharadita de jugo de jengibre
1 cucharadita de sal marina
1 taza de agua tibia purificada

Método :

Comience con un vaso alto y una cuchara.
Coloca 3,5 onzas de agua purificada en una cacerola. Es conveniente calentar el agua, no hervirla, para que pueda beberla a una temperatura segura.
Cuando esté caliente, viértela en el vaso. A continuación, añade la sal marina y remueve.
Añade el zumo de manzana, el zumo de jengibre y el zumo de limón fresco. Remueve.
Bébelo a primera hora de la mañana en ayunas. A continuación, vuelve a tomar esta mezcla justo antes de una comida ligera, y de nuevo a media tarde.

Por lo general, una limpieza de un día es suficiente para limpiar el colon.


El jengibre tiene propiedades antisépticas y es beneficioso porque estimula la digestión. Puede añadirse a cualquier zumo o comerse directamente. Añade una cucharadita de jugo de jengibre y miel, y mézclalo en una taza de agua tibia. Puedes consumir esta mezcla dos veces al día.

Ingredientes :

1 cucharada de jengibre (pelado)
1 manzana (en rodajas)
Una taza de espinacas
1 zanahoria (en rodajas)

Método :

Mezcla todos estos ingredientes con 1 taza de agua, y tu batido estará listo.

Bébalo una vez al día para asegurar el buen funcionamiento del tracto intestinal.


Remèdes naturels pour soulager une infection urinaire rapidement

Si les bactéries ont atteint votre système urinaire, il faut trouver des solutions pour traiter cette infection. En plus de prendre rendez-vous chez un médecin, nous vous proposons des remèdes naturels qui vous aideront à soulager une infection urinaire rapidement.


Le bicarbonate neutralise l’acidité dans l’urine et donc réduit l’inflammation due à l’infection urinaire. Ajoutez 1 cuillère à café de bicarbonate de soude dans un grand verre d’eau, mélangez et buvez cette solution une fois par jour. Attention ! Les personnes cardiaques, souffrant d’hypertension artérielle ou d’un autre problème de santé, doivent consulter leur médecin avant de prendre du bicarbonate de soude, car ce dernier a une teneur élevée en sel.


L’acide hippurique contenu dans les canneberges empêche la multiplication des bactéries causant l’infection urinaire, et les maintient dans les parois des voies urinaires en les empêchant d’atteindre les reins. Pour soulager l’infection, buvez du jus de canneberge pur (non sucré) de 2 fois par jour. Attention : Bien que la canneberge soit très efficace en cas de certaines infections urinaires, elle est contre-indiquée en cas de cystite interstitielle.


Vous pouvez aussi consommer des myrtilles ou du jus de myrtilles pour obtenir les mêmes résultats qu’avec les canneberges.


Le persil possède des propriétés antifongiques et contient une huile essentielle agissant comme antiseptique urinaire. Faites bouillir 3 tasses d’eau. Faites-y infuser 2 cuillères à soupe de persil frais haché pendant 20 minutes puis filtrez. Buvez-en 1 tasse 3 fois par jour. Attention : En grande quantité, le persil n’est pas recommandé pour les femmes enceintes car il peut provoquer des contractions utérines.


La tisane de queues de cerise permet de rendre l’élimination plus rapide et donc de nettoyer la vessie. Dans une casserole remplie d’1/2 litre d’eau, versez 4 cuillères à soupe de queues de cerises, puis portez à ébullition. Faites mijotez à couvert pendant 5 minutes. Retirez du feu et laissez encore infuser environ 20 minutes. Filtrez. Buvez-en 2 à 3 fois tasses par jour.


L’ananas est un fruit médicinal qui vaut la peine d’être consommé, sous la forme que vous préférez, dans une salade avec d’autres fruits ou en jus, pour soulager les infections urinaires.


Grâce à ses vertus dépuratives et détoxifiantes, l’ortie agit sur les calculs urinaires et rénaux. Faites infuser 2 cuillères à café de feuilles d’ortie dans une tasse d’eau bouillante pendant 10 minutes maximum. Buvez en deux à trois tasses par jour.

Attention : cette tisane n’est pas recommandée pour les femmes enceintes.


Le thym est un remède magique contre les infections urinaires. Faites infuser dans une tasse d’eau chaude 2 cuillerées à café de thym séché pendant 5 minutes maximum au risque d’avoir une tisane trop amère. Buvez deux à trois tasses par jour.


La vitamine C permet de garder une vessie en bonne santé grâce à l’acidification de l’urine. Elle permet principalement d’éviter l’introduction de bactéries potentiellement nocives.


L’huile essentielle d’arbre à thé est très efficace pour favoriser l’enrayement de l’infection et limiter les douleurs associées aux infections urinaires. Mélangez 10 gouttes d’huile essentielle d’arbre à thé dans votre eau de bain et utilisez cette eau pour laver l’ouverture de l’urètre. Suivez ce remède une fois par jour pendant trois à quatre jours. Attention : L’huile essentielle d’arbre à thé est déconseillée aux femmes enceintes, allaitantes et aux enfants de moins de 3 ans.

En plus de ces remèdes, boire beaucoup d’eau est toujours recommandé pour prévenir les cystites à répétition et enrayer une infection urinaire déjà contractée. Grâce à ces traitements naturels, vous devez constater une amélioration au bout de quelques jours. N’hésitez pas à consulter votre médecin aussi.

Chás para Infecção Urinária: 8 melhores opções (e como preparar)

O uso de chás é uma boa forma para complementar o tratamento da infecção urinária, já que podem aumentar o efeito dos remédios receitados, assim como aliviar os sintomas mais rapidamente.

No entanto, os chás nunca devem substituir a orientação do médico, especialmente quando estão sendo utilizados antibióticos.

Os chás mais usados em casos de infecção urinária incluem aqueles com ação antimicrobiana, pois ajudam a eliminar os micro-organismos que estão causando a infecção, assim como os diuréticos, que aumentam a quantidade de urina produzida, permitindo limpar as vias urinárias. Alguns bons exemplos comprovados são:

8 chás para infecção urinária

Os principais chás para infecção urinária são:

1. Chá de uva ursina

As folhas desta planta são utilizadas há muitos anos para aliviar e tratar os sintomas de infecção urinária e, segundo vários estudos, seus efeitos estão relacionados com a presença de uma substância, conhecida como arbutina, que tem forte ação antimicrobiana e que, por isso, consegue eliminar as bactérias responsáveis pela infecção urinária.

Além disso, a erva ursina também tem ação diurética, o que ajuda a eliminar mais urina durante o dia, mantendo o trato urinário mais limpo e livre de micro-organismos.


3 g de folhas secas de uva ursina;

200 mL de água fria.

Modo de preparo

Juntar as folhas com a água e deixar repousar entre 12 a 14 horas, num recipiente tampado e ao abrigo da luz. Depois, coar a mistura e beber morno até 4 xícaras por dia. Os ingredientes apresentados geralmente servem para preparar uma xícara de chá, por isso, caso se deseje, deve-se aumentar as quantidades, para fazer o suficiente para 1 dia.

A uva ursina pode causar alguns casos de intoxicação e, por isso, deve ser consumida com moderação, sendo que o recomendado é fazer o tratamento apenas durante as crises de sintomas e por um máximo de 7 dias. Caso surjam sintomas como náuseas ou vômitos é importante parar a ingestão da uva ursina.

Além disso, esse chá não deve ser usado por mulheres grávidas ou em amamentação, crianças menores de 12 anos e por pessoas com problemas de estômago como gastrite ou úlcera, por exemplo.

2. Chá de hidraste

O hidraste é outra planta com comprovação científica que pode ajudar a tratar casos de infecção urinária, já que é rico em substâncias como hidrastina e berberina, que têm ação antimicrobiana e anti-inflamatória.

Além disso, alguns estudos também que apontam que a berberina pode até impedir que algumas bactérias, especialmente a E. coli, consigam grudar nas paredes do sistema urinário, sendo mais facilmente eliminadas.


1 colher (de chá) de pó de raiz de hidraste;
250 mL de água fervente.

Modo de preparo

Colocar os ingredientes numa xícara por 10 a 15 minutos e mexer. Depois coar, deixar amornar e consumir 2 a 3 vezes por dia.

O pó de hidraste para fazer o chá pode ser difícil de encontrar e, por isso, esta planta também pode ser usada sob a forma de extrato líquido da raiz, devendo-se ingerir ¼ de colher de chá por dia, ou de acordo com as indicações da embalagem. Outra forma de consumo é o uso de cápsulas, sendo que, nesses casos, é indicado consumir 450 mg 2 a 3 vezes por dia.

O chá de hidraste não deve ser consumido por mulheres grávidas, lactantes, ou por pessoas que tenham pressão alta.

3. Chá de cabelo de milho

O chá de cabelo de milho é outro remédio caseiro muito utilizado para tratar problemas do sistema urinário, incluindo a infecção urinária. Após alguns estudos, foi encontrado que este chá tem boas concentrações de taninos, terpenoides e alcaloides, que lhe conferem boas propriedades antimicrobianas.

Além disso, o chá de cabelo de milho também é um diurético, o que facilita a eliminação de microrganismos do sistema urinário.


1 punhado de cabelo de milho seco;
1 xícara de água fervente.

Modo de preparo

Colocar o cabelo de milho junto com a água em uma xícara e esperar entre 5 a 10 minutos. Depois, coar, deixar amornar e beber 2 a 3 vezes por dia.

O chá de cabelo de milho não deve ser usado por mulheres grávidas ou em amamentação, homens com inflamação na próstata, ou por pessoas que usam remédios para baixar a pressão arterial, anticoagulantes, diuréticos e para diabetes.

4. Chá de dente-de-leão

O dente-de-leão é uma planta medicinal da espécie Taraxacum officinale com excelente ação diurética que ajuda a aumentar a quantidade de urina, permitindo eliminar mais rapidamente as bactérias que estão causando a infecção urinária.


15 g de folhas e raízes de dente-de-leão;
250 mL de água fervente.

Modo de preparo

Juntar o dente-de-leão com a água fervente e deixar repousar por 5 a 10 minutos. Depois coar e beber 2 a 3 vezes por dia.

O chá de dente-de-leão não deve ser usado por mulheres grávidas ou em amamentação.

5. Chá de bucho

As folhas de bucho apresentam atividade diurética e antimicrobiana que parecem ajudar a combater os micro-organismos que causam infecção do trato urinário, além de aumentar a quantidade de urina.

As propriedades da planta medicinal, da espécie Buxus sempervirens, foram atribuídas ao seu óleo essencial, que é produzido maioritariamente nas folhas. Isso porque, o óleo é capaz de ser absorvido no estômago e, depois, é liberado nos rins, onde se junta com a urina e promove uma “limpeza” interna das vias urinárias.


1 a 2 colheres (de chá) de folhas secas de bucho;
1 xícara de água fervente.

Modo de preparo

Colocar as folhas na água fervente e deixar repousar por 5 a 10 minutos. Depois coar, deixar amornar e beber 2 a 3 vezes por dia.

O chá de bucho não deve ser usado por crianças com menos de 12 anos, mulheres gravidas ou em amamentação, ou por pessoas que tenham epilepsia.

6. Chá de cavalinha

O chá de cavalinha feito com a planta medicinal Equisetum arvense é um dos diuréticos naturais mais conhecidos ao redor do mundo e, por esse motivo, pode ser uma boa aliada no tratamento da infecção urinária, já que facilita a eliminação dos micro-organismos responsáveis pela infecção.

Segundo as investigações realizadas, essa ação da cavalinha está relacionada com a presença de uma importante substância diurética, a equisetonina.


1 colher (de sopa) de cavalinha;
1 xícara de água fervente.

Modo de preparo

Juntar os ingredientes numa xícara e deixar repousar entre 5 a 10 minutos. Depois, coar, deixar amornar e beber até 3 xícaras por dia.

Uma vez que é um forte diurético, que elimina vários tipos de minerais importantes, a cavalinha não deve ser utilizada por mais de 7 dias.

Além disso, o chá de cavalinha não deve ser usado por crianças com menos de 12 anos, mulheres grávidas ou em amamentação, ou por pessoas que tenham insuficiência cardíaca, pressão baixa e doenças renais.

7. Chá de salsa

A salsa, também conhecida como salsinha, além de ser um forte diurético natural, também ajuda na saúde dos rins, permitindo eliminar mais rapidamente a urina, o que ajuda a eliminar as bactérias do trato urinário, combatendo a cistite.


1 ramo ou 15 gramas de salsa fresca com talo;
250 mL de água.

Modo de preparo

Cortar a salsa em pequenos pedaços e adicionar na xícara com água fervente. Deixar repousar por 5 a 10 minutos. Coar, deixar amornar e beber até 3 vezes por dia.

O chá de salsa não deve ser usado por mulheres grávidas ou por pessoas com insuficiência renal ou cardíaca.

8. Chá de hibisco

O chá de hibisco, feito com a planta medicinal Hibiscus sabdariffa, é rico em flavonoides e antocianinas, como a hibiscina, com propriedades antimicrobianas, que ajudam a impedir a adesão das bactérias E. coli e Klebsiella pneumoniae na parede do sistema urinário e bexiga.

Além disso, esse chá também tem propriedades diuréticas que ajudam a eliminar essas bactérias através da urina, prevenindo o surgimento de infecções recorrentes.


1 colher de sopa de flores de hibisco desidratadas;
400 mL de água fervente.
Modo de preparo

Colocar a água para ferver, desligar o fogo, adicionar as flores de hibisco e deixar repousar cerca de 5 minutos. Em seguida, coar e beber morno pelo menos 3 vezes ao dia.

O chá de hibisco não deve ser usado por crianças com menos de 12 anos, mulheres grávidas, lactantes ou por com doença renal ou hepática. Além disso, pessoas com pressão alta ou diabetes que utilizam remédios para tratar essas condições, não devem tomar o chá.

Cuidados importantes ao usar os chás

O uso de chás ou qualquer outro produto natural para tratar problemas de saúde deve ser sempre orientado por um médico ou um profissional de saúde especializado no uso de plantas medicinais. Isso porque as dosagens precisam ser bem adaptadas a fatores como idade, peso e histórico de saúde da pessoa.

Além disso, grávidas, mulheres a amamentar e crianças com menos de 3 anos devem evitar o uso de qualquer tipo de chá sem o conhecimento do obstetra ou pediatra.

Uma vez que a maior parte dos chás indicados têm ação diurética também é muito importante que seu uso não seja feito por períodos muito prolongados, geralmente maiores que 7 dias, já que pode resultar em desiquilíbrio de minerais importantes no corpo.

Além do uso de chás, existem ainda algumas alterações que se podem fazer na alimentação para garantir o sucesso do tratamento. Veja mais dicas da nossa nutricionista:



I am tracking with you 1000% of the special form of suffering that is insomnia.

This is a mom blog, but this post will have (I hope) very relevant information for both moms AND those who are not moms – it’s for ANYONE who just. can’t. sleep.

For anyone who googles “how to cure insomnia quickly“, or “I’m tired but I can’t sleep” in desperation each night.

I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice. This is just a solid explanation of the things I personally did to cure severe insomnia naturally without medication, in a very short time.

I have had insomnia for over a decade, and I’ve been saying “I can’t sleep” basically my whole life. It was bad before kids. It was ten times worse after kids.

BUT, I believe there IS hope for you to get some sleep because I have drastically improved my sleep recently and if I can do that – I’d THINK anyone can.

I say this because, for me, insomnia has been an all-consuming battle… and yet, recently, by taking a number of steps and making some very drastic changes I’ve been able to find some SLEEP.


Depending on the cause of your insomnia, some of the things that worked for me could work for you too! (I did not, and still do not really know the root cause of my insomnia. I think ORIGINALLY it may have been caused my anxiety, but that was not the problem recently. Even when I was not anxious, I still could not sleep.)

I’m not exaggerating about how bad my insomnia was. I have been awake for days in a row multiple times this year alone.

My goal “cure” for insomnia for myself was to get a consistent 4-5 hours of sleep per night. I decided I would be THRILLED with that, and I would be able to function more or less normally with that much sleep.

But I have been able to achieve MORE than that! At the time of writing this, my sleep is still broken – but I do still have 2 kids under 3 years old.

By taking the steps I have laid out in this article, I now fall asleep within half an hour of laying down, and can fall BACK to sleep after I wake in the night.

Because of the success I’ve seen, I’ve set a more lofty goal of getting past the night wakings (when my kids allow me) and I’m shooting for 6-8 hours of solid sleep! (Ha, that still FEELS like a pipe dream! But I think it’s possible!)


I have always struggled with sleep – for as long as I can remember. Even as a very small child – I had night terrors – waking my parents up almost each and every night for almost 12 years.

And while I eventually stopped waking THEM up, it didn’t get easier for me.

Severe anxiety contributed to my sleep problems originally. I would have a hard time falling asleep – being overcome by anxiety while I laid there in the dark, so I’d stay up late reading or watching TV. When I was finally so tired that I knew I’d be able to fall asleep, I’d go to bed (at 2 or 3 am).

Around the time I was 20, I started taking an over the counter sleep aid that I generally credited with my being able to fall asleep at all. Without it, I just laid there awake for hours and hours and hours… until the morning came.

So I took one almost every night.

This was my normal for years, and as life went on and didn’t go in the directions I wished it would (totally unrelated to sleep), I became very depressed – maybe around 25 – and started drinking wine every evening. (A healthy and grown-up way to deal with problems – I KNOW!!) I couldn’t sleep without the wine because I was too depressed, and with it plus the over the counter sleep pill, I would at least fall asleep – but I only got about 3-4 hours of sleep per night – max (alcohol disrupts your sleep cycles terribly).

Although I eventually got my life “back on track” (or at least my attitude + habits), I never could correct my ruined sleep cycles. I continued taking the OTC sleeping aids but even with them, I couldn’t fall asleep till 3 or 4 am often (I had no reason to be out of bed before 9 though… so I still managed to get 4-5 hours in).

But then I got pregnant.

I had to stop taking sleep aids, and I had all kinds of new pregnancy anxiety. Plus I hurt everywhere. And, as the cherry on the cake, I developed a postnasal drip that I couldn’t take anything for so my throat was irritated and I laid awake clearing my throat all. night. long.

(My husband started sleeping in a different room because HE couldn’t even sleep with me there – my sleep was so awful it ruined his too!)

And, I thought all that was bad.

But then the baby was born.

And it just got worse.

At least before I had kids I could pull down a few hours per night, a few nights per week. After kids, no such luck.

Sleep deprivation for the parents of toddlers or newborns is no joke!

Babies just compounded my sleep problems into something almost unlivable. Postpartum insomnia is more complex than regular insomnia because HORMONES, plus, it’s hard to treat with someone crying at you all the time.

There have been many many nights in the past few years where I did not fall asleep – at all – not even for ten minutes. And there have been many weeks where these nights would pile up into 2-3 100% sleepless nights in a row.

My husband would often find me crying in the kitchen stuffing my face with toddler cereal bars when he got up at 6 to go to work.

Life was getting pretty difficult, and I started to function less and less well. As the mom, this started affecting EVERYONE pretty harshly.

I finally reached the point where something needed to be done… I HAD TO GET SOME SLEEP.

So I decided, once and for all, I would do WHATEVER IT TOOK to get myself sleeping.

I did try zolpidem (Ambien), and it did work – mostly – but I knew it wasn’t a long term solution. (I used it for a handful of nights here and there for my sanity while I was researching how to cure insomnia.)

My goal was to cure my insomnia naturally.

And here’s what it took, in order from most important to least important – as far as I can tell:

Complete diet overhaul
Eliminating caffeine and alcohol
The addition of a number of supplements
Elimination of blue lights in the evening
A new mattress
Essential oils
I stopped going to bed SO late
I truly believe all of these things played a role in curing my insomnia (although, some more than others).

Some of them won’t apply to you, for example – if you’re not breastfeeding a baby all night, the weaning thing is moot… but there are other things on the list I would bet money will likely help you.

I would also be surprised if you have TRIED all these things so far.

Let’s look at each of these things in detail.

When my baby was nearly a year old I found out that the over the counter sleeping aids I had been DREAMING of being allowed to take again soon (when we weaned) were actually prettttty bad for me, I was basically devastated.

My insomnia had reached new levels of horrible, and I had been hanging onto those little blue pills as my light at the end of the tunnel.

I’d tell myself “just one more month and then I can wean and FINALLY get some sleep!” (I had a goal of one year of nursing.)

I mourned the loss of those pills for about a week, and then I decided it was time to make some real changes.

I swear, this is the thing that made THE BIGGEST DIFFERENCE THE FASTEST – this is what I credit the MOST for curing my insomnia in less than a week.

Also, you can do a complete diet overhaul for very little money… depending on how you normally eat, this might even SAVE you money!

I removed from my diet (and fridge) – sugar, grains, processed foods, non-vegetable carbs and pork.

Now, even though that’s a short list, it actually eliminated MOST of the food I’d eat on a daily basis.

In fact, at first, some days I struggled to figure out what I COULD eat. For the first few weeks I stuck pretty hard to this list:

ANY vegetable, raw or cooked – and ESPECIALLY juiced
ANY fruit, fresh, frozen, pureed, cooked – NO added sugar
Chicken, fish, or beef (in an unprocessed, unbreaded form)
Eggs – scrambled, hard-boiled, how ever you like ’em
Limited dairy – a little cheese here and there, a little cream or milk in recipes that needed it
Nuts, seeds, limited beans
Vega protein powder, (because it’s not gross, it doesn’t have fake bad for you crap in it, and I needed something really fast for breakfast or a snack some days)
It took me some practice to come up with meals I could create from this list of foods. It was hard.

I am going to write a separate post with a ton of meal ideas and details on exactly how and what I eat if you are interested in trying to eat this way!

Now, you might be wondering why I choose these foods as “safe” foods – and how I determined what to quit eating.

When my dad was 38, he had a heart attack. I was 12.

That was the year that my family became “healthy” – my mom and dad visited a naturopath each month, and she helped them learn what was good for you – and what wasn’t. Over the years (into my adulthood on my own) I have met and worked with MANY nutrition based doctors.

Most of them have very similar advice, and the “diet” I created for myself was a compilation of what I’ve learned over time. So it’s not a “real” diet that you can go out and buy and follow along with… this one is just based on my own common sense.

Eat WHOLE foods. Foods that are closest to how they come out of nature.

Within a matter of days of beginning to eat this way, I was able to fall asleep in under an hour after getting into bed and remain asleep for at least 3-4 hours.

After the first week of eating this way, with the addition of supplements, I was able to fall BACK to sleep after waking in the night.

This week I read an interesting blurb about food and sleep, that confirmed for me that I am absolutely on the right track when it comes to diet and sleep:

“…foods can actually undermine your nightly rest. Foods that can interfere with sleep include high-sugar, high-carbohydrate, heavily-processed foods. The same junk food that’s problematic for your waistline can also be troublesome to your sleep. Eating sugary foods throughout the day can cause pronounced changes to blood sugar, which can bring on feelings of fatigue that can alter your daily routine and your sleep patterns at night. Large meals high in carbohydrates can have a similar effect on blood sugar. Eating heavy meals close to bedtime interferes with the body’s process of winding down for sleep.” read more here

I have this one UNDER diet in order of importance for curing insomnia quickly and naturally because I actually eliminated caffeine and alcohol 100% two weeks BEFORE making any other diet changes and saw only very limited improvement in my sleep.

However, I’m confident that should I have a big glass of wine before bed, I would NOT sleep as well – or perhaps at all. Same with coffee.

I think it was eliminating these things in conjunction with the diet changes that make a big difference for me when it comes to sleep.

Giving up coffee was hard, and giving up wine was harder. I just adore both of them… but I was totally committed to curing my insomnia naturally.

Now, in the evening when I want to sip on something I have a cup of this sleeping tea.

I’ve always been pro-supplements (largely because I knew my diet was poor, and they allowed me to feel like I was still being “healthy” while eating ice cream and fries).

So, I’ve actually always taken magnesium (which is touted as one of the most “sleep-enhancing” supplements out there and it sure DID help me sleep when I was pregnant).

Magnesium alone wasn’t cutting it anymore, though.

Over the past few months I’ve added 5- htp, Ortho-Sleep, melatonin, and CDB oil containing TCH to my daily routine. I take them ALL about half an hour before bed (with my magnesium).

I tried the magnesium and melatonin alone for about a month (before starting the diet changes) and saw minimal improvement. Some nights I did manage to fall asleep after a couple of hours with this combination, but I wanted much better than that.

I also tried CBD oil with zero THC for about three months and saw absolutely no improvement. The oil that I have that contains the TCH has minute amounts. There are NO psycho-active effects at all from the oil. (Cannabis is legal in Canada so it is easy to get “whole plant” CBD oil here, but in the USA or other places, it may be more difficult? I’m not totally sure, to be honest.)

I saw an instant improvement in my sleep the DAY I started taking the whole plant CBD oil.

The 5- htp and the Ortho-Sleep I started taking at the same time – so I can’t comment on one over the other, but the effect was – again – instantly improved sleep.

Because the Ortho-sleep contains 3 mg of melatonin, I decided to try skipping the melatonin as a stand-alone when I took the Ortho-sleep.

I found it took me longer to fall asleep without the extra melatonin… after experimenting, I find that taking 3-6 mg of melatonin PLUS the Ortho-sleep, 5-htp, magnesium, and the CBD oil is what produces the best sleep for me.

Over the past three years, I have worked my behind off creating a very profitable online business… but I have small children, which means I have worked mostly in the evening when their dad is home.

Sometimes, after I get my kiddos down, I go back to the computer and work ’till 1 or 2 am.

If I DON’T work on the computer, I almost always hang out on my phone in bed for an hour trying to “wind down”.

We know that blue lights can be devastating for your sleep. We KNOW this. (But, I liked to ignore this.)

I now try to stay away from the computer in the evening when I can (which means often getting up earlier than the kids to work, but that’s not a problem when I’ve actually gotten some sleep the night before).

But, a job is a job and sometimes we HAVE to work when we can. So I bought these blue light blocking glasses and am diligent to wear them if I have to work after 6 pm or so.

I also broke up with my phone. I have a strict no phone in bed policy now. If I DO have to use my phone for something in the evening, I have a blue light filter app that comes on around 8.

(A big bonus to this is that I stay off personal facebook, which I find causes anxiety which ALSO disrupts my sleep. Facebook is full of negative things that bring me down… my sleep is instantly better without it!)

TV never seems to bother me that much, so I do still watch a little TV in the evenings now and then – but I sure don’t sit there for uninterrupted hours!

This one is down here at the bottom of the list for me, because I DO believe the mattress we purchased HAS contributed to my better sleep, but before starting the new diet and supplements and staying away from the computer at night, I have spent numerous sleepless nights on the mattress, so it was not a fix for me in and of itself.

However, I have spent NO sleepless nights uncomfortable on the mattress and I think that’s a big deal.

You are gonna think I’m crazy here, but just under a year ago, we bought a brand new king size mattress on sale for about 900$. It was a STEAL – it was some sort of euro-top pro back top of the line thing…

7 infusiones para tomar antes de ir a la cama y dormir bien

Dormir mal afecta a la calidad de vida y salud.

Una noche si pegar ojo hará que al día siguiente estés agotado, de mal humor y seas incapaz de afrontar las tarea que tienes por delante.

Pero a la larga el insomnio puede repercutir de manera más seria en la salud, afectando a las funciones cognitivas, generando mayor riesgo de obesidad, de enfermedades cardíacas o incluso de caer en una depresión.

Ante problemas relacionados con el sueño, muchos prefieren optar por buscar soluciones naturales, generalmente remedios basados en plantas.

Ciertas infusiones pueden favorecer un estado relajado y de calma óptimo para inducir el sueño.

Si estás buscando remedios contra el insomnio, aquí hay varias infusiones de hierbas que pueden ayudarte a dormir, según la ciencia.


La manzanilla no solo es efectiva frente a dolores gástricos. También es una infusión que puede ayudar a dormir mejor.

Así lo demostraba un estudio elaborado sobre pacientes con insomnio crónico. De acuerdo a los resultados, aquellos a los que se les facilitó un extracto de manzanilla dos veces al día durante varias semanas lograron quedarse dormidos de manera más rápida y despertarse menos durante la noche que los que no lo tomaron.

Su capacidad para inducir el sueño, parece deberse a ciertos flavonoides capaces de actuar como un tranquilizante suave sobre el sistema nervioso.


La valeriana es una hierba muy utilizada para tratar la ansiedad y el estrés. Debido a esta capacidad relajante esta infusión puede servir de ayuda frente a trastornos del sueño.

Un estudio elaborado sobre 128 pacientes descubrió que aquellos que tomaban un extracto de raíz de valeriana afirmaban notar un aumento en la calidad general del sueño, quedándose dormidos más rápidamente y despertándose menos durante la noche.

Esta aparente capacidad de mejorar el sueño de la valerianaparece deberse a que esta planta en el organismo logra inhibir la descomposición de un ácido conocido como gamma-aminobutírico en el cerebro lo que induce a cierto estado de sedación y a una disminución de la actividad del sistema nervioso central.

Aunque una revisión de estudios sobre la relación de esta infusión con el sueño afirma que a pesar de los indicios, la mayoría de las investigaciones elaboradas son pequeñas o muestran problemas en la metodología utilizada, por lo que sería necesaria una mayor investigación al respecto.


Si bien los beneficios del jengibre destacan principalmente por su capacidad para reducir el dolor muscular o para evitar las naúseas, esta planta también podría tener efectos sobre el sueño.

Si bien la evidencia es escasa, un estudio elaborado en 2013 encontró mejoras en la calidad del sueño y el sueño total de aquellos pacientes que habían estado tomando extracto de jengibre durante una semanas.

Fruta de la pasión

La fruta de la pasión, también conocida como maracuyá, es una fruta exótica propia de Sudamérica y rica en vitamina A, C y potasio.

Puede consumirse como tal o incluirse en bebidas tales como refrescos, batidos o incluso tés.

Sus beneficios incluyen efectos calmantes frente a la ansiedad o el estrés, siendo también utilizada como remedio para dormir mejor.

En relación con esta capacidad, una investigación centrada en los efectos de la fruta de la pasión sobre el sueño, encontró que los pacientes analizados que habían tomado la infusión mostraban de manera generalizada mejoras en su calidad del sueño.


La melisa es una planta aromática frecuentemente utilizada en infusiones por sus propiedades relajantes que ayudan a conciliar el sueño.

Muy utilizada en perfumería, por su característico olor cítrico, como infusión se ha comprobadoque la melisa actúa como sedante natural ante estados de estrés moderado, siendo capaz de combatir el insomnio y los trastornos del sueño.


La lavanda es una hierba de flores púrpura que se ha utilizado desde el imperio romano, por el poder relajante de su aroma.

Si bien la evidencia sobre su eficacia para mejorar el descanso es limitada, ciertos estudios han señalado que la lavanda parece ayudar, al menos en el corto plazo, con los problemas de sueño vinculados a la ansiedad.

La preparación de aceite de lavanda, conocida como Silexan, mostró cierta eficacia para mejorar la calidad y duración del sueño en personas con problemas de ansiedad, en un estudio sobre 221 personas.

Asimismo, tomado por vía oral, podría ayuda a reducir los despertares nocturnos y favorecer el estado de ánimo.

Otro pequeño estudio sobre 80 mujeres taiwanesas que acababan de ser madres mostró que olían el aroma del té de lavanda y lo bebían diariamente afirmaron tener menos fatiga, en comparación con las que no bebieron té de lavanda, tras 2 semanas de ingesta.

Por lo que la lavanda pude ser una infusión perfecta para tomar antes de ir a la cama y lograr calmar los nervios, relajarse y poder dormir.


El té de magnolia se elabora principalmente con la corteza de la planta y es utilizado normalmente por sus efectos sedantes.

Esta capacidad para calmar los nervios parece deberse a un compuesto presente en la magnolia, conocido como honokiol. Según la Fundación del Sueño Estadounidense, el honokiol reduce el tiempo necesario para conciliar el sueño al unirse a los receptores GABA25 en el cerebro, que ayudan a estimular la somnolencia.

Si bien se necesita más investigación para confirmar estos efectos en los seres humanos, la investigación en animales sugiere que beber una infusión a base de corteza de magnolia puede ayudar a mejorar el sueño.

En varios estudios en ratones el honokiol extraídos de la planta de magnolia redujo el tiempo necesario para quedarse dormido y aumentó la duración del sueño.

Infusión a base de leche dorada

La leche dorada se basa en una bebida tradicional de la India conocida como haldi doodh elaborada a partir de leche y cúrcuma.

Y aunque en Occidente se haya popularizado una versión que más parece un smoothie o un frappé, lo cierto es que prepararla mezclando una cucharada de cúrcuma con té o incluso solo con agua caliente son también variantes comunes de la receta original.

Veja Como Melhorar sua Visão Com Essas Dicas Caseiras

Veja Como Melhorar sua Visão Com Essas Dicas Caseiras

Deseja saber como melhorar a visão sem usar óculos? Nós podemos te ajudar! Naturalmente, um dos mais importantes dos nossos sentidos é a visão. Sim, a perda de visão acontece à medida que envelhecemos, no entanto, ainda pode acontecer em crianças ou pessoas mais jovens.

Os olhos podem estar em perigo se fizermos coisas diferentes diariamente. Por exemplo, a comida que consumimos todos os dias pode ser veneno ou medicamento. Assim, estamos aqui para apresentá-lo com um ingrediente que é muito eficaz para a nossa saúde. Estamos falando de alho.

O alho é um super alimento devido ao fato de que contém vitaminas importantes e tem muitas propriedades medicinais. Está provado que melhorar a visão também. O estudo que provou que testou mais de 800.

Como melhorar a visão sem usar óculos:

A dose diária é de um a dois dentes de alho em jejum. Basta cortar o alho à noite, deixá-lo de molho em um copo de água e beber somente o líquido pela manhã.

Outra opção é fazer chá de alho cortando fininho dois dentes de alho e jogando em uma xícara de água quente.

Tampar, deixar amornar e tomar em jejum ou antes de dormir.
Depois de quarenta dias, se necessário, pode-se parar um tempo e depois repetir o processo.

Outra forma de melhorar a visão sem usar óculos

A posição inicial deve ser sentada com a cabeça virada para frente, sem óculos ou lente de contato. As costas devem estar eretas e a respiração deve ser calma. A seguir você deve:

1. Olhar para cima

Um dos exercícios que ajuda a focar a visão é olhar para cima, sem movimentar a cabeça, sem apertar os olhos ou forçar a vista, e ficar com olhos nesta posição durante cerca de 20 segundos, piscando os olhos ao mesmo tempo, pelo menos 5 vezes.

2. Olhar para baixo

O exercício anterior, deve fazer-se também a olhar para baixo, sem movimentar a cabeça, sem apertar os olhos ou forçar a vista, e ficar com olhos nesta posição durante cerca de 20 segundos, piscando os olhos ao mesmo tempo, pelo menos 5 vezes.

3. Olhar para o lado direito

Também se pode fazer este exercício olhando para o lado direito, também sem movimentar a cabeça, e mantendo os olhos nesta posição, durante 20 segundos, lembrando de piscar a cada 3 ou 4 segundos.

4. Olhar para o lado esquerdo

Por último, deve-se fazer o exercício anterior, mas desta vez olhando para o lado esquerdo. Para facilitar a realização dos exercícios, pode-se escolher um objeto e olhar sempre para ele.

Estes exercícios devem ser realizados todos os dias, pelo menos 2 vezes por dia, para que os resultados possam ser observados e em cerca de 4 a 6 semanas já deverá ser possível notar alguma melhorar a visão.


14 Things Your Eyes Can Reveal About Your Health

Forget the saying “Eyes are the windows to your soul.” They are actually indicators of your health!

Long considered as one of the most attractive features of the human face, epic poems have been written on these almond-shaped wonders. But while lovers prefer to get lost in each other’s eyes, maybe it’s time for you to drown in your own peepers. Or at least give it a good, long look in the mirror to find out if something’s wrong with your health.

Most people suffer from one or the other disease without even realizing it since there are no ‘obvious’ symptoms. If you think you’re one of those (and even if you do not), check your eyes. They can reveal symptoms of conditions you may be suffering from.

Here are 14 things your eyes can say about your health!

1. White Spots On Your Cornea

Do you wear contact lenses often? You may notice white spots developing on your cornea, which is a sign of a corneal ulcer (1). Corneal ulcers are a type of bacterial or fungal infection, normally accompanied by pain. Immediate treatment is necessary or it can lead to complications.

2. White Ring Around Your Iris

Generally, a white, gray or translucent ring around the iris is a sign of aging. So, if you’re in your late 60s or 70s, you shouldn’t lose sleep over it. However, if you’re still living your younger days and notice a circle around your eyes, it might indicate that you suffer from ‘arcus senilis’ – a condition caused by high cholesterol levels in the body (2).

3. Bloodshot Eyes

Bloodshot or red eyes are commonly accepted as a result of stressed eyes caused by staring at screens for too long or working for several hours without breaks. However, if you cannot attribute any cause to your red eyes, you might be suffering glaucoma, pink eye or even broken blood vessels (3).

4. Dry Eyes

The feeling of dryness in your eyes is far from comfortable and can even be painful when coupled with a sensation of burning and itchiness (4). Most of the causes of dry eyes, such as allergic reaction to medications, pregnancy, and aging, are nothing to worry about. However, medical conditions such as Sjogren’s syndrome are quite serious and require immediate medical attention (5).

5. Translucent Specks In One’s Vision

You’ve seen them before, and usually they are not alarming in themselves. They only turn into a cause of concern if their frequency increases and you start seeing them all the time. If that happens, visit your doctor as it could indicate retinal detachment (6).

6. Puffy Red Eyes

Redness that is accompanied by swelling in your eyes means that you suffer from fatigue and also lack of sleep. These might seem like ordinary causes to you but lack of sleep and extreme fatigue mean you’re probably suffering from other underlying health issues that require your attention.

7. Yellow Spots Near Iris
Another one of the many signs of aging, but if you experience yellow spots despite being young, it could mean something else. It could denote that you spend too much time in the sun or the pollutants in the air have been irritating your eyes.

8. Involuntary Tears

Involuntary tears are a common symptom of dry eyes – a condition that is generally caused when your tear ducts cannot produce enough tears (7). This can be easily treated so there’s nothing to worry about.

9. Disruption In The Visual Field

If your vision is obstructed and you can’t see parts of your visual field, you could be suffering an ocular migraine. While there’s no treatment for this, it does not have any severe impact on your overall health.

10. Blurry Vision

Blurry vision is bad news, indicative of cataracts and diabetes among other things (8). Both of these conditions can be quite dangerous, so a visit to your doctor is a must!

11. Twitchy Eyes

Some amount of eye twitching happens to most of us from time to time. However, if it gets too common, it shows that you experience chronic stress. While this isn’t dangerous in itself, the stress that causes it can lead to other health problems such as weight gain, etc.

12. Thinning Eyebrows

Though not technically a part of the eyes, thinning or disappearing eyebrows is one of the lesser known symptoms of thyroid disease – one that you should get checked out at the earliest.

13. Eye Bulging

Your eyes can be naturally bulging due to your genetic makeup. However, if that’s not the case and you notice a sudden bulge, you can, again, blame it on a faulty thyroid gland (9).

14. Double Vision

Seeing double does not happen very often, but when it does, it only spells bad things such as dizziness or even a stroke (10). Sudden vision loss and dimmed vision indicate the same.

There’s no denying that you want to stay healthy and happy always. So, if you notice anything wrong with your eyes, do not take it lightly and get professional help as soon as you can.

Various Uses of Vaseline

We’re always looking for beauty products that multitask, so imagine our delight when we rediscovered a household staple that addresses so many of our daily issues. We’re talking about Vaseline, y’all, (which—fun fact—has been around for over 140 years).

Vaseline is made from a mixture of mineral oils and waxes, which, according to our friends at the American Academy of Dermatology, create a protective barrier to help the skin heal and retain moisture. But it also does so much more—from taming unruly brows to slipping rings off swollen fingers.

Whether you’re looking to soothe a cut, rock a glossy lid or a treat a sunburn, here are 39 (yes, 39!) uses for Vaseline.

1. Moisturize head to toe

After showering, apply it anywhere you see dry, flaky skin. For cracked heels, put on a pair of socks to lock in the moisture (and prevent future blisters later on).

2. Remove eye makeup

Don’t have makeup remover at your disposal? Just massage some Vaseline onto your lids and wipe that mascara away using a cotton pad.

3. Highlight your cheekbones

There’s no need for a pricey highlighter when you have Vaseline right in your medicine cabinet. Pat some onto the tops of your cheeks to create a dewy, light-catching look. (Just be careful if you have oily skin–you don’t want to clog your pores.)

4. Change the texture of your cosmetics

Vaseline is a great way to transform your matte or powder products into creams. Just combine the loose pigments with the jelly to create your own custom cream eyeshadow, blush or tinted balm.

5. Counteract split ends

Too much exposure to the sun, heat or chlorine from the pool can cause your hair to dry out, fast. Add a pinch of Vaseline to the ends for extra moisture and shine.

6. Smooth down flyaways

Glossier Boy Brow isn’t the only thing that can help you tame your brows. A small dab of Vaseline on a Q-tip will do the trick just as well.

7. Define your lashes

No mascara, no problem. Apply a little jelly on your lashes and comb through for a natural sheen.

8. Avoid skin stains

The worst part about an at-home hair or nail color is the mess it leaves behind on your skin. A light coating of petroleum jelly around your hairline or your cuticles will prevent any staining from dyes or polishes.

9. Prolong your perfume

Give your fragrance lasting power by dabbing some Vaseline on your pulse points before spritzing on your favorite perfume.

10. Prevent self-tanning streaks

No one wants embarrassing streaks from a self-tanner. Cover any dry spots (i.e., around your knees, elbows and feet) to prevent an uneven application.

11. Create a DIY scrub

A simple DIY for when your skin needs a little TLC: Mix one tablespoon of sea salt or sugar and a spoonful of Vaseline to make your very own exfoliant. Put the paste on your lips (or anywhere on your body that needs smoothing) and gently massage before washing it off. Hello smoother, glowing skin.

12. Keep shampoo away from your eyes

No more wishing you made your dry shampoo last one more day. Just apply some jelly above your eyebrows and watch the suds repel off to the sides of your face and away from your eyes.

13. Remove chewing gum from hair

Remember doing this as a child? Coat the gum and surrounding hair with a generous dollop of Vaseline and gently tug to remove the wad sans snags.

14. Keep lipstick off your teeth

Rocking a bold lip is fun until you realize it’s been on your teeth all day. Prevent this altogether by spreading a thin layer of Vaseline over your chompers before applying your lipstick. The jelly will create an invisible barrier that the color won’t stick to.

15. Create a flavored lip gloss

Remember those fun-flavored glosses of your youth? Make your own by combining a powder-based food mix (e.g., Kool Aid) and some petroleum jelly to create your very own tinted lip gloss.

16. Soothe an itchy scalp

Reduce itching and dandruff by massaging a small amount of Vaseline into your scalp before washing your hair as usual. (Note: Using too much can make it difficult to remove, so make sure you use no more than a dime-size amount; for a deeper clean-out add a teaspoon of baking soda to your shampoo.)

17. Groom facial hair

Calling all moustache aficionados: A spot of Vaseline can keep your facial hair in check. Use it alone or combine it with some beeswax for added hold.

18. Hydrate your under-eyes

In a pinch, a dab of Vaseline will help lock in moisture while you sleep so that you wake up to fresh peepers, even when you run out of eye cream.

19. Relieve irritation

Whether you’re dealing with sunburn or razor burn, petroleum jelly can help. Tip: Stick the jar in the freezer beforehand and apply the cold jelly to your legs, forehead or any irritated spots for instant soothing.

20. Block swimmer’s ear

If you swim a lot and want to keep unwanted moisture out of your ears, try this: Coat two cotton balls with petroleum jelly, mold them to fit each ear and enjoy the rest of your swim.

21. Cure minor injuries

The top use for Vaseline? To heal any minor cuts and burns. Remember it’s best to clean and disinfect the area before application to prevent infections.

22. Relieve diaper rash

If your baby is dealing with diaper rash, clean the area, pat skin dry and put Vaseline over the sore spots to relieve some of the sting.

23. Ease back pain

No heating pad in sight? Heat a scoop of Vaseline in the microwave until it’s warm (two minutes or so) before massaging some onto your back for a warming effect.

24. Help heal new tattoos

Similar to minor cuts and burns, putting jelly on new tattoos can help speed up the healing process by keeping the area smooth and hydrated.

25. Calm any bug bites

Don’t let mosquito bites, wasp stings or poison ivy win. Put some Vaseline on the itchy spots for instant relief. (Tip: It will feel even better if you pop it into the freezer first.)

26. Protect a sore nose
If you’re battling a cold or dealing with allergy season, chances are your runny nose will turn into a red, raw mess. Apply a dab of Vaseline around your nostrils to add moisture back into your skin.

27. Keep chafing at bay

Thick thighs rejoice! No one likes it when their legs rub together to the point of irritation. Put a thin layer over your inner thighs for a silky and pain-free glide. (It’s especially crucial during a cardio-heavy workout.)

28. Treat your dog’s paws

If your pet’s paws are feeling a bit rough, help ease the discomfort by smoothing some Vaseline over them after a walk. (Note: Vaseline is pet-friendly and not harmful, but stay cautious that they don’t lick their paws.)

29. Remedy for your cat’s hairballs

Help a hairball pass through by mixing a ½ tablespoon of petroleum jelly into their food. The oily lubricant will coax the hairball through their digestive system with ease.

30. Open a stuck jar

Whether it’s a pickle jar or a hard nail polish top, putting Vaseline around the stuck lid will help loosen things up for an easier removal.

31. Slip jewelry off easily

No more struggling to take your rings off when your fingers are bloated or putting on a pair of earrings. Apply some jelly over the area for a slip-and-slide effect.

32. Preserve Halloween pumpkins

Make your jack-ó-lanterns last for weeks by putting some Vaseline around the carved areas to slow any rotting.

33. Ward off bugs

The combination of salt and Vaseline helps keep those snails, slugs and ants from ruining your garden. Place some around the edges of your flower pots to keep them far and away.

34. Remove candle wax

Candlesticks a mess? Clean up any dripped, dried wax with some Vaseline. Let it absorb for a few minutes before wiping it all down with a damp cloth.

35. Repair scratches and watermarks on wood

Let your wood shine with a generous coat of Vaseline. Tip: It’s best to let it soak in for 24 hours before polishing the surface.

36. Freshen up leather

Whether it’s a leather jacket or your favorite reading chair, rub Vaseline over worn spots to make them shine again.

37. Make bra straps more comfy

Fact: No one likes an itchy bra strap. Apply some Vaseline on your shoulders to alleviate the discomfort.

38. Clean up smudges

Your mirrors, sunglasses and even belt buckles can get a sparkly clean look with some Vaseline and a little elbow grease to buff the smudges away.

39. Get a fire going

Need some help building a fire? Coat a cotton ball (or a few) with Vaseline and light them up to produce a flame. It’s a simple and quick hack that you can use for grills and backyard pits.

Although it’s the G.O.A.T. of healing products, it’s important to use it for external purposes only. Translation: Do not eat or insert it anywhere inside your body. (Using Vaseline as a lubricant can lead to bacterial infections.)

Dark circles under your eyes

Dark circles :

Whenever as compared to your facial skin whenever there extra pigmentation or there hyperpigmentation around your eyes then in simple word it is called dark circle under your eyes.

usually both leads upper and lower lid they become pigmented.

Nowadays a lot of people are going through the problem of dark circles, nobody likes dark circles. But due to many bad habits and many reasons, geting a dark circles. So today we will talk about the causes dark circle and its treatment.

So first we understand the Cause of Dark Circle

Whenever there is melanocyte excess activity specially around eyes. then it will lead to the hyper pigmentation around the eyes.

There are a lot of causes.

1. Genetics

Basically important called it is genetic or familiar. Whenever in family mother , sister , father or in close family member is having dark circle under eye and in family if there is Trend then number of melanocyte are more around your eyes and it cause to hyperpigmentation around eyes as compared to remaining facial skin.

2. Nutritious deficiency

Second important cause is nutritional deficiency. Lot of people having nutritional deficiency and those deficiency it may lead to under eye dark circle.

3. Proper sleep

if you are not having proper sleep if there is train on your eyes. that surely blood supply around eye it increase. And that cause under eye dark circle.

4. Looking at the phone screen very closely

4th important thing those people looking phone screen, iPad, laptop computer very closely are those who are looking to a just screen or late night sleep all these main lead to again blood supply around your eyes is increase.
That cause dark circles under your eyes.

5. Sun rays

The skin around our eyes is very thin. Comparison of our face skin, due to which harmful rays of the sun fall on our eyes, then the skin around our eyes quickly becomes tanned, due to which we see dark circles around the eyes.

so there are a lot of cause of under eye dark circles. if it is familiar then it is difficult to treat, if there is lifestyle change, if your are not eating properly, nutrition deficiency, that important thing you are not sleeping properly then also by change your lifestyle we can treat it reduce it.

Now we talk about the treatment of dark circles

There are many reasons to have a dark circle, some of them, after knowing that, now we talk about its treatment, here we will tell you three remedies which are made up of all natural ingredients.

1st remedy

Potato aloe vera gel for dark circle eye skin wrinkle


1 potato + 1 tbsp aloe vera gel

How to apply

Potato cut in small cube

Put the cube in a mortar

Crush them to make runny paste

1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel

1 tablespoon of potato

Mix it well

Apply gel around your eyes

Leave it on for 20 minute and rinse it off.

Patato: potato juice contain azelaic acid that can inhibit tyrosinase activity to reduce pigmentation.

This may help in fading dark circle. it also help to reduce eye wrinkle and fine lines.

2nd remedy

Aloe vera vitamin e for dark circle and eye wrinkle


3-4 tbsp aloe vera gel + 1 capsule of vitamin e

How to apply

3 tablespoon of aloe vera gel plus one capsule of of vitamin e oil

Mix them well

Apply digital around your eyes massage it into the affected area
leave it on overnight

Aloe vera gel: Aloe Vera gel help in preventing excessive pigmentation and hydrate the skin to make it supple

Vitamin e: vitamin e oil help reduce the appearance of blood vessels underneath your skin by improving your skin tone.

3rd remedy

Green tea ice cube for dark circle


1 tbsp of green tea + water + 1 capsule of vitamin e

How to apply

1 teaspoon of green tea Plus one capsule of vitamin e oil

Ad 5 to 6 tbsp water

Now makes it well

Now add this green tea water in refrigerator for 6-7 hours

After making green tea ice cube, now with the help of this ice, massage your dark circle for 5 to 6 minutes.

Green tea: help to narrow the blood vessels around your eye and constrict blood flow.

You can reduce dark circles by using This remedies.

So hope that you liked this post of mine today, if you liked it, then definitely share it with your friends and family.