Teste: Descubra o que suas mãos podem dizer a respeito do seu futuro amoroso

Quer saber qual é o seu futuro amoroso e como será seu casamento? Pra muitos de nós, só citar o tema já é suficiente pra causar terror, enquanto pra outros é um objetivo de vida. Sabe-se lá qual é a sua opinião, com certeza você deve querer saber o que uma cigana profissional diria acerca do seu futuro num assunto tão delicado, e, por isso, trazemos pra você as interpretações mais comuns feitas por videntes, de acordo com a leitura de mãos. Para isso, procure a sua “linha do casamento”, que fica logo abaixo do seu mindinho. Se você tiver duas, escolha a mais longa.



1 – Sinal de casamento precoce, em torno dos 20 anos.

2 – Sinal de casamento tardio, entre os 35 e 50 anos, mas com um bom parceiro.

3 – Se casará aos 30, na hora certa.

4 – Você tem muitos amigos do sexo oposto e poderá escolher, tendo sorte no casamento.

5 – Você vai se apaixonar perdidamente, com um relacionamento feliz e duradouro.

6 – Sinal de que algo bom vai acontecer nos seus relacionamentos.

7 – Seu desejo de casar vai crescer com o tempo e você provavelmente vai ser feliz.

8 – Você é uma pessoa marcada e portanto cautelosa, o que te fará uma pessoa cansada e provavelmente infeliz

Trucos para reparar los arañazos en tus lentes

Los lentes o gafas suelen dañarse con el largo de los años o quizás por accidente rayaste tus lentes y no sabes que hacer.

Aquí esta la solución de tus lentes rayados. A continuación te dejaremos 9 trucos que te ayudara a eliminar los rayones de tus lentes.


1.- Cera para muebles:

Este es sin duda el producto estrella de la internet con dicho propósito. La cera para muebles la puedes utilizar para rellenar las ralladuras de los cristales de tus lentes. Luego de aplicarla, tus anteojos quedarán como nuevos. Aunque debes tener en consideración que este es el método menos duradero y más corrosivo. Para utilizarla, solo debes aplicar la cera en los cristales con un paño suave, concentrándote en las ralladuras.

2.-Bicarbonato de sodio:

Mezcla un poco de bicarbonato con agua hasta conseguir una pasta suave y espesa. La misma la frotarás sobre los cristales con movimientos circulares. Para finalizar, enjuaga los lentes con abundante agua limpia y fría.

3.- Protector solar:

Coloca un poco de protector solar sobre cada uno de los cristales y frótalos con un paño suave. Debes pulir muy bien cada uno de los cristales para obtener resultados. Luego de unos minutos, podrás notar la diferencia. Este método requiere de un poco más de esfuerzo, pero es el menos agresivo, especialmente para cristales orgánicos.

4.- Pasta dental:

La pasta dental también es muy famosa en los foros de internet por su capacidad de eliminar los arañazos. Lo único que debemos tener en cuenta, es que la pasta no tenga productos blanqueantes ni geles de color. Basta con aplicar un poco de la misma sobre los cristales y frotarla circularmente con un algodón por 10 segundos. Finalmente, enjuagamos los lentes con abundante agua.

5.- Cera de automóvil:

La cera para automóvil también es muy buena para eliminar los arañazos de los anteojos. El proceso de aplicación es el mismo que con la cera de muebles.

6.- Pasta acida para cristal:

Esta pasta tiene la capacidad de pulir lentes plásticas de policarbonato, pero no las de cristal. Si tratas de utilizarlas en una de cristal, se arruinarán por completo. Para usarla en lentes plásticas, solo frótalas por unos minutos y luego enjuágalas con abundante agua tibia.

7.- Mostaza en polvo y vinagre:

Al igual que el bicarbonato y el agua, debes mezclar la mostaza en polvo con vinagre hasta formar una pasta. Después, la aplicarás con movimientos circulares para luego enjuagarla con abundante agua. Finalmente, limpia cuidadosamente los lentes, ya que la mostaza puede irritar tus ojos.

8.- Pulimentos para metales:

Este producto lo debes aplicar sobre los anteojos y frotarlos suavemente durante unos segundos. Después, debes proceder a enjuagar este pulimento usando alcohol. Los foros dicen que esto es muy bueno para eliminar el efecto espejo, aunque resaltan que lo practicas bajo tu responsabilidad.

9.- Aceite corporal de bebé:

Ciertas personas afirman que han usado el aceite de bebé como pulimento para sus lentes. Aunque nadie comprueba su efectividad, lo que si sospechamos es que eliminar la grasa será muy difícil. Aun así, no perdemos nada con intentar.


3 astuces pour nettoyer efficacement la semelle de son fer à repasser

La semelle de votre fer à repasser commence à noircir à force de brûler ? Ce signe d’usure peut aussi parfois s’accompagner de rouille, ainsi que de rayures et laisser des taches brunes sur les textiles. Et en plus, tous les fers à repasser peuvent aussi développer des résidus de calcaire avec le temps si vous utilisez de l’eau du robinet au lieu d’une eau déminéralisée. Cela peut alors affecter le débit de vapeur d’une centrale vapeur ou d’un fer à vapeur, le tartre pouvant boucher les trous. C’est normal, mais sachez qu’il est inutile d’en racheter un ou de filer tout droit au pressing. Après tout, il marche très bien ce fer ! Non, il faut simplement le nettoyer un petit peu (et vite, parce qu’ils ne vont pas se défroisser tout seuls ces vêtements !). Et pour ça, on a deux/trois trucs naturels et efficaces pour vous ! Comme neuve on vous dit. Voici comment nettoyer la semelle encrassée du fer à repasser.

1 – Le citron, idéal pour nettoyer la semelle du fer à repasser

Du citron, tout le monde en a à la maison. Il vous suffit ici d’imbiber un chiffon ou une lingette microfibres de jus de citron, de frotter ensuite la semelle de votre fer puis d’essuyer avec un chiffon doux sec. Grand-mère utilise même parfois directement un demi-citron comme une éponge ! Votre fer sera comme neuf.

2 – Le savon de Marseille

On ne présente plus le savon de Marseille. Le vrai hein ! La procédure est ici la même qu’avec le citron. N’hésitez pas à frotter la semelle du fer directement avec le savon, puis essuyez ensuite avec un chiffon doux.

3 – Le vinaigre blanc

Nettoyant très efficace et détartrant, c’est l’ingrédient miracle numéro 1 ! Imbibez un chiffon de vinaigre blanc puis frottez doucement la semelle de votre fer à repasser pour la nettoyer. Vous pouvez aussi utiliser un coton-tige pour nettoyer le tartre dans les trous et fignoler le nettoyage Essuyez ensuite avec un chiffon doux et sec. Et voilà ! Si votre petit appareil électroménager a besoin d’un bon détartrage, il faudra sans doute glisser du vinaigre directement dans son réservoir d’eau. On explique cette procédure en détail ici.

D’autres astuces pour nettoyer la semelle encrassée du fer à repasser :
Utilisez un chiffon propre imbibé de dentifrice, d’eau oxygénée, de pierre d’argile. Le dissolvant pourra être employé si la semelle a tendance à coller aux vêtements lors du repassage ! Pas très naturel, mais impeccable…

Et vous, vous avez des “trucs et astuces” pour nettoyer la semelle du fer ? Dites-nous tout !

How to Clean an Iron with Paracetamol

A dirty, rusty iron can be quite a headache! The iron won’t look its best, it might not work effectively, and the grotty patches on the soleplate might damage your creased laundry.

Yet, there’s a simple cure! You can use paracetamol to clean the iron’s soleplate.

Find out what you need to do to revive your iron’s soleplate with paracetamol tablets below, and discover how you should clean the rest of your iron too.

How to Clean an Iron’s Soleplate with Paracetamol

Using paracetamol tablets to clean an iron’s soleplate is a cheap and simple way of maintaining the appliance. Find out how to use these tablets below.

What you need:

  • Iron
  • Tweezers/tongs
  • Paracetamol tablets
  • Cloths
  •  Water


  • Don’t use paracetamol tablets that have a coating or are in capsule form. If you use these versions of paracetamol, the coating/capsule may leave some residue on the iron’s soleplate and the tablet will not clean away the dirt effectively.
  •  Don’t use plastic tweezers, as the plastic will melt onto the iron’s soleplate.

If you’re concerned about using tweezers to hold the tablet in place, you can use wooden tongs instead.

Keep in mind that rubbing metal tweezers along an iron’s soleplate may cause some scratches to occur, so be careful.

The Best Home Remedies for Toenail Fungus

Toenail fungus, also called onychomycosis, is a common fungal infection of your toenail. The most noticeable symptom is a white, brown, or yellow discoloration of one or more of your toenails.

There are many over-the-counter and prescription medications available to treat toenail fungus. However, these treatments can be expensive and have potential side effects. Some people prefer to try home remedies to treat their toenail fungus.

This article discusses 10 of the most popular home remedies for toenail fungus and whether scientific evidence exists to support their use.

What Causes Toenail Fungus?

Toenail fungus is caused by a group of fungi called dermatophytes. These fungi thrive in warm, moist environments, such as sweaty shoes or showers. They can also be transmitted through direct contact with an infected person.

The most common type of toenail fungus is called Trichophyton rubrum. It’s also the most contagious.

* Risk Factors for Toenail Fungus Include
Wearing tight, closed-toe shoes
Working in damp environments, such as a swimming pool or laundry room
Having a history of athlete’s foot
Having diabetes or another condition that causes poor blood circulation to your feet
Having a weakened immune system
Wearing artificial nails
Walking barefoot in public places, such as locker rooms or pool areas
Having family members with toenail fungus

Some of the home remedies to treat toenail fungus include tea tree oil, baking soda, garlic, snakeroot extracts, apple cider vinegar, menthol, mouthwash, oregano oil, probiotic rich foods and protein rich foods.

Best Home Remedies for Toenail Fungus

1. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is an essential oil with antifungal and antibacterial properties. It’s used to treat a variety of conditions, including skin infections, scalp problems, and toenail fungus.

  • To treat toenail fungus with tea tree oil,
  • Mix one part of the oil with eight parts of warm water.
  • Soak a cotton ball in the mixture
  • Apply it to your nail for 20 minutes daily.
  •  You can also add a few drops of tea tree oil to a foot bath and soak your feet for 30 minutes. [1]

2. Baking Soda

Baking soda is a natural disinfectant that can be used to treat various fungal infections, including toenail fungus.
To use baking soda,

  • Mix one part baking soda with two parts water.
  •  Apply the mixture to your nails and let it sit for 10 minutes. [2]

3. Garlic

Garlic is a natural antifungal agent that can be used to treat toenail fungus. To use garlic, crush a few cloves of garlic and add them to a foot bath.

  • Soak your feet in the mixture for 30 minutes.
  • You can also apply a garlic paste directly to your nails.
  • You can do this twice daily. [3]

4. Snakeroot Extract

Snakeroot extract is an herb with antifungal properties. It’s commonly used to treat athlete’s foot and other fungal infections.

  • To use snakeroot extract,
  • Mix one part of the extract with eight parts of water.
  • Soak a cotton ball in the mixture
  • Apply it to your nails for 20 minutes daily.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a natural antifungal agent that can be used to treat toenail fungus.

  • To use apple cider vinegar,
  • Mix one part of the vinegar with two parts of water.
  • Apply the mixture to your nails and let it sit for 10 minutes.
  • You can also soak your feet in a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water for 30 minutes.

6. Menthol

Menthol is an essential oil that has antifungal properties. It’s commonly used to treat athlete’s foot and other fungal infections.

To use menthol,

Mix one part of the oil with eight parts of warm water.

Soak a cotton ball in the mixture

Apply it to your nails for 20 minutes daily.

7. Mouthwash

Mouthwash can be used to treat toenail fungus because it contains antifungal properties.

  • To use mouthwash,
  • Soak a cotton ball in the mouthwash
  • Apply it to your nails for 20 minutes.
  •  You can also add a few drops of mouthwash to a foot bath and soak your feet for 30 minutes.

8. Oregano Oil

Oregano oil is an essential oil with antifungal properties. It’s used to treat a variety of conditions, including toenail fungus.

To use oregano oil,
Mix one part of the oil with eight parts of warm water.
Soak a cotton ball in the mixture
Apply it to your nails for 20 minutes daily.

9. Probiotic Rich Foods

Probiotic rich foods are fermented foods that contain live bacteria. These bacteria are known as probiotics and they’re beneficial for gut health. Probiotic rich foods include yogurt, kimchi, sauerkraut, and miso soup.
This remedy lacks scientific evidence.

10. Protein Rich Foods

Protein rich foods are an important part of a healthy diet. They help build and repair tissues, produce enzymes, and regulate metabolism. Some protein rich foods include chicken, fish, beef, tofu, and legumes. It helps in the re-growth of toenail. This remedy lacks scientific evidence.

When to Consult a Doctor?

If the toenail fungus does not improve with home treatment, or if the toenail gets worse, you should consult a doctor. The doctor will prescribe antifungal medicine, which is usually taken for 3 to 6 weeks. In some cases, the toenail may need to be removed.


Toenail fungus can be difficult to treat and it often comes back after treatment. Therefore, it’s important to take preventive measures to avoid getting the infection in the first place. These measures include:

Wearing shoes that are well-ventilated and made of natural materials, such as leather or canvas.
Wearing socks that are made of natural fibers, such as cotton or wool.
Avoiding walking barefoot in public places, such as swimming pools, locker rooms, and showers.
Keeping your feet clean and dry.
Avoiding sharing shoes, socks, or towels with others.


If you have toenail fungus, it’s important to take measures to prevent the infection from spreading. These measures include:

  • Washing your hands thoroughly after touching your infected toenails.

Disinfecting any tools that you use on your nails, such as nail files or clippers.

Wearing shower shoes or sandals in public places, such as locker rooms and showers.

Avoiding contact with people who have athlete’s foot or other fungal infections.


Essa bomba exterminadora de fungos é muito boa. Os fungos que se alojam nas unhas causam um problema denominado onicomicose. Também chamada de tinha das unhas, é uma infecção que ataca as unhas tanto das mãos como dos pés. Ela pode surgir devido a fatores que nada têm a ver com as unhas, como:

Nível alterado do pH da pele

Sistema imunológico fraco


Quando atacadas por fungos, as unhas começam a ficar amareladas e, caso não seja tratadas imediatamente, sofrem rachaduras, causando dor. Este é um problema muito desagradável, principalmente quando a pessoa expõe os pés e as mãos contaminados na rua.

Pior ainda quando o fungo já está no nível avançado… Como resolver o problema? Com a “bomba exterminadora de fungos”. Esta é uma receita que elimina os fungos sem piedade.

Pode acreditar! Tudo porque na sua composição há poderosos antifúngicos. O resultado não demora a aparecer. E você vai gastar muito pouco para produzir este potente remédio. São apenas três ingredientes. Anote, faça e comprove:


2 Colher de Álcool etílico 70%;
2 Colher de Água oxigenada 10 volumes;
Meia colher de Vinagre branco.

Anotado? Agora vamos aprender como faz a receita e como aplica.



The most common type of toilet bowl rings are brown/rust in color and are caused by iron and manganese ions in the water. These ions react with oxygen to form the brown ring.

The ring forms around the waterline due to the presence of oxygen, which readily reacts with the minerals in the water. Modern toilets are less likely to develop this ring since they are glazed and smooth.

To get rid of a toilet ring, scrub it off using a pumice stone, dryer sheets, or Shaw’s pads. Alternatively, you can use a combination of vinegar and baking soda, then scrub the bowl using a toilet brush. Avoid using chemicals or only use them as a last resort.

If you have WD-40 in the house, you can use it to get rid of a toilet rid. Spray a generous amount around the ring, then wait 30 minutes before scrubbing it off with a brush. Wipe off the WD-40 using a rag instead of flushing it down the toilet.

Magic eraser is also quite effective in getting rid of toilet bowl rings. You can start scrubbing the ring away with it immediately after soaking it in water, or you can leave it in the bowl overnight and finish up in the morning.

The best way of preventing a toilet ring from forming on your toilet is by installing a water softener. The water softener will remove the hard water minerals before the water enters your house.

As you try and get rid of the toilet ring, it is important to make sure that the method you pick does not leave your bowl badly scratched. Avoid harsh chemicals as much as possible since they are terrible for our environment.


Toilets must retain a small amount of water at the bottom to prevent sewer gases from entering the house. This water is, therefore, stagnant for a long time. When the minerals or bacteria in the water find a constant supply of oxygen, a reaction occurs, forming the ring.

The toilet bowl ring does not extend below the toilet bowl waterline because there is no oxygen. It also does not form way above the water because there are few minerals and bacteria.

You will, however, still find hard water stains all over the bowl, especially in areas with hard water. These stains are, however, not as bad as the toilet ring.


Once removed, toilet rings are bound to come back. Although many cleaning agents are advertised as able to remove toilet rings permanently, recurring toilet rings are very common.

Toilet rings will always come back to stain your toilet because the problem is neither your cleaning capability nor the cleaning agents but rather hard water. As long as hard water keeps flowing in your toilet tank and toilet bowl, you will always have toilet rings forming in your bowl.

What you can do is stop their severity by constantly cleaning your toilet using the methods I am going to illustrate below.


There are, of course, many products in the market that will promise to remove the brown/black toilet ring. We will therefore look at the best ways to get rid of the toilet ring without scratching the toilet bowl.

While getting rid of the toilet ring is also an excellent opportunity to remove the hard water stains from all over the toilet bowl.


Vinegar is a powerful cleaning agent due to its acidity. It can remove mold and dissolve toilet stains like rust which are present in hard water. It is also less toxic and abrasive compared to other cleaning chemicals.

Baking soda, scientifically known as sodium bicarbonate, is a mild alkaline. It dissolves both grease and scum easily. Baking soda is an effective cleaning agent because, apart from cleaning, it neutralizes both acidic and alkaline odor molecules.

  • Use a plunger to push the water at the bottom of the bowl and drain the drain. If you have no plunger, soak it up with a sponge. The idea is to have that space occupied by the vinegar and baking soda solution and act on the ring directly.
  • Remove most of the water but not necessarily all of it.
    Pour one cup of vinegar slowly into the toilet bowl. Using the toilet brush to swish the solution around the entire toilet bowl. Wait for a minute or two.
  • Spread a good amount of baking soda all over the toilet bowl. Ensure the water at the bottom is covered with baking soda.
  • Add one cup of vinegar slowly. You add slowly because the vinegar will act with baking soda. If you add the vinegar all at once, the reaction might be explosive and splash into your face.
  • Mix the solution with a toilet brush, making sure you apply it all over the bowl to target all stains.
  • Give the solution about half an hour to act on the stains. However, you should slightly scrub the toilet after every 5-10 minutes to ensure the other parts of the bowl are not forgotten.
  • After the half-hour mark, use the toilet brush to thoroughly scrub the toilet ring and the entire bowl until all stains are removed.
  • Flush the toilet a couple of times to remove all traces of the vinegar and baking soda solution.

If you would like a great vinegar for cleaning, check out this one on Amazon.


A pumie refers to a pumice stone. It is a rough volcanic rock that is one of the most common substances used to get rid of a toilet ring. It is commercially known as a scouring stick.

The first question people ask when you recommend a pumice stone as a toilet ring remover is, “Will a pumice stone scratch a toilet?” A pumice stone, if wrongly used, has the potential to scratch a toilet.

So, how do you clean a toilet ring with a pumice stone?

  • Submerge the pumice stone in the toilet bowl water for about 30 minutes and wait for it to soften. The pumice stone is highly porous, so that it will soak in a lot of water. This will help to prevent scratching the toilet bowl.
  • Once the pumice stone is softened, pick one point of the toilet ring and start rubbing gently. It acts the way a pencil eraser works.
  • Rub all around the toilet bowl ring until the entire toilet ring is removed.
  • A screeching sound is common while rubbing off the toilet ring with a pumice stone. If it irritates you, be sure to use earplugs. Remember also to use rubber gloves to protect your hands.

All toilet bowls are not made equal. If you start rubbing off the toilet ring and notice your toilet is scratching off, the best thing is to try a different method to remove the toilet ring, like vinegar and baking soda solution.


One of the most inexpensive ways of getting rid of toilet rings is by scrubbing them off using dryer sheets. You can use new dryer sheets, but even used ones work fine, if not better.

To protect your hands from germs, please have rubber gloves on since you will need to put your hands in the toilet bowl. It is also a good practice to protect your back. Kneeling beside the bowl on a sponge will get the strain off your back.

Use the dryer sheets to scrub the toilet bowl ring, starting from one point and going all the way around the toilet.

Once you are done scrubbing, flush the toilet to remove all the dirt. The toilet ring should be completely gone.


The above 3 are the best ways to eliminate a toilet ring. However, many other methods that work the same or are slightly less effective are recommended. Some of them include:

Using magic eraser
Borax and vinegar
Lemon cool aid
Scratching toilet ring with steel wool
Denture cleaning tablets
Using Coke to remove the toilet ring
Another great way to get rid of a toilet ring and hard water toilet stains, in general, is by using WD-40. Find more on that in this post.


A toilet ring is quite irritating to look at. You should, therefore, apart from getting rid of the ring, make sure you prevent it from recurring.

The best way to prevent a toilet ring from forming in your toilet bowl is by cleaning your toilet regularly. This is because a toilet bowl ring does not happen in one go. It takes time for the minerals to accumulate in order to form a ring.

Once a week, pour a cup of vinegar into the toilet bowl, let it sit for a little while, then clean it thoroughly with a toilet brush.


The magic eraser can be used to remove a toilet bowl ring, but the magic part is questionable. You will cut a piece of the magic eraser, drop it in the bowl and leave it overnight. When you wake up in the morning, you need to remove the eraser, take a brush and scrub your toilet. More work, less magic, if any.


  • Flush the toilet to remove the stagnant water in the bowl and wet the entire bowl.
    Slowly pour a cup of vinegar into the bowl and swish around with the toilet brush to ensure all bowl parts are covered.
  • Add a generous amount of baking powder slowly, followed by one more cup of vinegar.
  • Slightly scrub the toilet bowl after every five minutes to ensure the entire bowl is wet with the solution for half an hour.
  • After half an hour, thoroughly scrub your toilet with the brush to remove all the hard water stains and scale.


Borax is advertised as one of the best ways to remove toilet bowl rings. This substance is, however, banned in the UK and many other countries in the European Union.

Borax is banned in those countries due to its alkalinity, which is likely to cause skin irritation.

In reality, however, borax is not very different from baking soda, so it is still in use in the United States. With proper body protection, borax combined with vinegar can successfully remove toilet rings.


Removing the toilet ring from a toilet bowl without scrubbing would be a revolutionary idea if only it existed. Sadly it doesn’t. What you should worry about is how to remove a toilet ring without scratching your toilet bowl. That is more realistic.

If you want to get rid of a toilet ring, don’t fall for the advertisement gimmicks. Toilet bowl rings are stubborn stains that need to be scrubbed hard.


  • Turn off the water shut-off valve.
  • Flush the toilet empty.
  • Fill the toilet with vinegar just below the overflow tank.
  • Let it stay overnight.
  • Flush the vinegar down in the morning.
  • Spray the toilet with a disinfectant and wait for 15 minutes.
  • Scrub the stains off with a brush. Remember to wear gloves.
  • Open the water supply to the toilet.
  • Flush the toilet a couple of times.

More on this method in this post.


Getting rid of toilet rings is not impossible, but it needs work. You will also need to wash your toilet regularly to prevent the toilet ring from recurring.

Comment éliminer le calcaire et le tartre des toilettes ?

Il se forme à la longue au fond de la cuvette des WC un dépôt calcaire qui s’il n’est pas traité à temps, finit par sédimenter et former une couche marron/noire qui rendra les toilettes peu accueillantes.

Pour retrouver la sérénité, repérez le magasin de bricolage ou la droguerie ou l’épicerie et la pharmacie les plus proches.

En effet, si les toilettes sont vraiment très très sales et qu’il y a un Castorama, Bricodécor, BHV ou autre droguerie près de chez vous, courez acheter une bonne brosse pour WC (une adaptée à la forme du fond de votre cuvette et non la design-dernier cri-très chère) et de l’acide chlorhydrique. Une fois de retour, mettez des vêtements de protection, prenez des gants de ménage, une paire de lunettes, et traitez avec prudence la cuvette à l’acide chlorhydrique. C’est radical, votre cuvette redeviendra comme neuve.

Un produit chimique dangereux, beurk nous direz-vous, mais à situation exceptionnelle, traitement exceptionnel. Vous vous promettrez d’adopter par la suite une attitude respectueuse de l’environnement et de votre santé en entretenant régulièrement les toilettes.

Si vous êtes totalement opposé à l’acide chlorhydrique, mais savez retrousser les manches et frotter, faites un tour en ville pour trouver une bonne brosse bien sûr, un paquet de cristaux de soude (magasin de bricolage ou droguerie) sinon du bicarbonate de soude (épicerie ou pharmacie), et dans tous les cas, et surtout si vous n’avez pu mettre la main sur des cristaux ou du bicarbonate de soude, du vinaigre d’alcool blanc et un rouleau de papier essuie-tout.

Les étapes :

Jour 1 : de préférence le soir, refoulez l’eau au fond de la cuvette à l’aide de la brosse, puis versez 1/4 l de vinaigre blanc. Tapissez les parois de papier essuie-tout que vous arroserez également de vinaigre. Laisser agir une nuit.

Jour 2 : frottez énergiquement le fond avec la brosse. Tirez la chasse d’eau pour faire partir le papier, frottez les parois. Si tout est éliminé, c’est parfait. Sinon de nouveau le soir, après avoir refoulé l’eau, versez cette fois dans les toilettes un 1/2 verre à moutarde de cristaux ou bicarbonate de soude et 1/4 l de vinaigre blanc. Traitez éventuellement les parois au papier essuie-tout et au vinaigre. Si vous n’avez pas de cristaux de soude ni bicarbonate, il faudra peut-être un troisième traitement au vinaigre.

Jour 3 : frottez, cette fois les derniers résidus doivent avoir disparu.

Nous n’avons jamais traité les toilettes à l’acide chlorhydique, mais l’avons vu faire par des entreprises en bâtiment qui ont la mauvaise habitude de tout jeter dans les toilettes, dont les restes de peinture et de ciment, et avons pu vérifier le résultat.

Les toilettes sont entretenues régulièrement dans la Maison de Marthe & Marie, et il y a une équation chimique que nous ne comprenons pas mais qui se révèle efficace :



Ce qui signifie que vinaigre blanc et cristaux de soude se neutralisent au fond de la cuvette des WC… tout en les nettoyant. C’est assez déconcertant.

En conclusion, le trio gagnant pour détartrer les toilettes est : un bonne brosse, du vinaigre blanc et des cristaux de soude, auxquels vous pouvez substituer du bicarbonate de soude, mais le vinaigre blanc à lui tout seul fait des merveilles, alors faites au plus simple.

Pour l’entretien régulier des toilettes, cliquer ici .

Une fois la cuvette étincellante et pour prévenir le retour de l’encrassement un geste tout simple recommandé par La Droguerie Ecologique et adapté par la Maison de Marthe & Marie :

1 – Versez une bonne casserole d’eau bouillante dans la cuvette des toilettes

2 – Jetez -y un 1/2 verre de cristaux de soude

3 – Laissez agir un moment, temps de faire autre chose, revenez et frottez la cuvette

avec la brosse mais ne tirez surtout pas la chasse d’eau

4 – Laissez agir rmaintenant plusieurs heures

5 – Frottez le fond de la cuvette avec la brosse, tirez la chasse d’eau, vous avez fini !

The Best Homemade Smoothie to Increase Muscle Mass + Glutes + Thighs

I’m going to teach you the best homemade vitamin to increase muscle mass fast in the Legs and Glutes. You’ll soon notice how your glutes and thighs will develop. You can use this vitamin both pre-workout and post-workout.

Many people can’t afford to buy supplements to help gain muscle mass, however, this vitamin is an excellent alternative. I started taking it and was surprised with the result.

Understand Why This Vitamin Helps Increase Muscle Mass of the Legs and Glutes

The ingredients of this powerful vitamin are rich in carbohydrates that improve physical performance during workouts, thus promoting the gain of muscle mass.

That is, the math is simple here, with the sum of these super nutritious foods such as bananas, avocados, sweet potatoes, oats and peanuts, there is no way the account can go wrong, the result will be very positive, this is because:

Banana: the intake improves the athlete’s performance

Bananas are a great source of energy for skeletal muscle during physical activity, in addition, they contain carbohydrates, fructose, fiber, potassium, zinc, magnesium, vitamin A, vitamin C and B complex.

Avocado: helps in the formation of muscle mass

Avocados are rich in vitamin C, E and K, minerals such as potassium and magnesium, as well as being a source of good fats such as omega-3. In other words, in the practice of physical activity, avocado promotes energy to the body to do the training, helps in the formation of muscle mass in the legs and buttocks and provides proteins that favor muscle recovery.

Sweet Potato: ideal for those who need energy for long workouts

Sweet potatoes are one of the favorite carbohydrate sources for bodybuilding enthusiasts. This is because it contributes to the gain of muscle mass, is a source of energy, and because it has a good amount of fiber, the carbohydrate in sweet potatoes is released gradually, making it great for those who need energy for long and intense workouts. In addition to all these benefits, sweet potatoes are rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, and C, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium.

Peanuts: promotes muscle recovery and development

Peanuts are a source of minerals, vitamins (E and B complex), fiber, and unsaturated fats (good fats). In addition, the main fats found in peanut kernels are omega 9 and omega 6. Peanuts also promote muscle recovery and development.

Oats: it is a source of protein and helps to increase muscle mass Legs and Glutes

Oats are a super healthy cereal, as they do not contain gluten and are an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants that are essential for a healthy life.

As well as, it is a source of protein and helps increase muscle mass, in addition to contributing to muscle recovery after training.

Because they are rich in fiber, oats help reduce cholesterol, control blood sugar, and bowel function.

In addition to all these benefits, the type of carbohydrate present in oats is the healthiest and most suitable before exercising. Because these carbohydrates remain in the bloodstream for a longer period, thus providing constant energy, and even increases the rate of fat burning during training.

Homemade Smoothie Recipe to Increase Muscle Mass

Nutritional Information

  • Portion size: 300 ml
  • Calories per serving: 1,249 cal
  • Fat per serving: 91 g

1 Vitamin, Healthy Recipes, Muscle Mass Gain, International Cuisine.


  • 1 piece of approximately 50g of sweet potatoes
  • 1 medium banana
  • 2 tbsp avocado approx 30g
  • 1 tablespoon peanuts or peanut butter
  • 2 tbsp oats
  • 1 cup of 100ml milk or water

How to make it

Blend all ingredients in a blender for approximately 1 minute and you’re done. It’s delicious!





I am tracking with you 1000% of the special form of suffering that is insomnia.

This is a mom blog, but this post will have (I hope) very relevant information for both moms AND those who are not moms – it’s for ANYONE who just. can’t. sleep.

For anyone who googles “how to cure insomnia quickly“, or “I’m tired but I can’t sleep” in desperation each night.

I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice. This is just a solid explanation of the things I personally did to cure severe insomnia naturally without medication, in a very short time.

I have had insomnia for over a decade, and I’ve been saying “I can’t sleep” basically my whole life. It was bad before kids. It was ten times worse after kids.

BUT, I believe there IS hope for you to get some sleep because I have drastically improved my sleep recently and if I can do that – I’d THINK anyone can.

I say this because, for me, insomnia has been an all-consuming battle… and yet, recently, by taking a number of steps and making some very drastic changes I’ve been able to find some SLEEP.


Depending on the cause of your insomnia, some of the things that worked for me could work for you too! (I did not, and still do not really know the root cause of my insomnia. I think ORIGINALLY it may have been caused my anxiety, but that was not the problem recently. Even when I was not anxious, I still could not sleep.)

I’m not exaggerating about how bad my insomnia was. I have been awake for days in a row multiple times this year alone.

My goal “cure” for insomnia for myself was to get a consistent 4-5 hours of sleep per night. I decided I would be THRILLED with that, and I would be able to function more or less normally with that much sleep.

But I have been able to achieve MORE than that! At the time of writing this, my sleep is still broken – but I do still have 2 kids under 3 years old.

By taking the steps I have laid out in this article, I now fall asleep within half an hour of laying down, and can fall BACK to sleep after I wake in the night.

Because of the success I’ve seen, I’ve set a more lofty goal of getting past the night wakings (when my kids allow me) and I’m shooting for 6-8 hours of solid sleep! (Ha, that still FEELS like a pipe dream! But I think it’s possible!)


I have always struggled with sleep – for as long as I can remember. Even as a very small child – I had night terrors – waking my parents up almost each and every night for almost 12 years.

And while I eventually stopped waking THEM up, it didn’t get easier for me.

Severe anxiety contributed to my sleep problems originally. I would have a hard time falling asleep – being overcome by anxiety while I laid there in the dark, so I’d stay up late reading or watching TV. When I was finally so tired that I knew I’d be able to fall asleep, I’d go to bed (at 2 or 3 am).

Around the time I was 20, I started taking an over the counter sleep aid that I generally credited with my being able to fall asleep at all. Without it, I just laid there awake for hours and hours and hours… until the morning came.

So I took one almost every night.

This was my normal for years, and as life went on and didn’t go in the directions I wished it would (totally unrelated to sleep), I became very depressed – maybe around 25 – and started drinking wine every evening. (A healthy and grown-up way to deal with problems – I KNOW!!) I couldn’t sleep without the wine because I was too depressed, and with it plus the over the counter sleep pill, I would at least fall asleep – but I only got about 3-4 hours of sleep per night – max (alcohol disrupts your sleep cycles terribly).

Although I eventually got my life “back on track” (or at least my attitude + habits), I never could correct my ruined sleep cycles. I continued taking the OTC sleeping aids but even with them, I couldn’t fall asleep till 3 or 4 am often (I had no reason to be out of bed before 9 though… so I still managed to get 4-5 hours in).

But then I got pregnant.

I had to stop taking sleep aids, and I had all kinds of new pregnancy anxiety. Plus I hurt everywhere. And, as the cherry on the cake, I developed a postnasal drip that I couldn’t take anything for so my throat was irritated and I laid awake clearing my throat all. night. long.

(My husband started sleeping in a different room because HE couldn’t even sleep with me there – my sleep was so awful it ruined his too!)

And, I thought all that was bad.

But then the baby was born.

And it just got worse.

At least before I had kids I could pull down a few hours per night, a few nights per week. After kids, no such luck.

Sleep deprivation for the parents of toddlers or newborns is no joke!

Babies just compounded my sleep problems into something almost unlivable. Postpartum insomnia is more complex than regular insomnia because HORMONES, plus, it’s hard to treat with someone crying at you all the time.

There have been many many nights in the past few years where I did not fall asleep – at all – not even for ten minutes. And there have been many weeks where these nights would pile up into 2-3 100% sleepless nights in a row.

My husband would often find me crying in the kitchen stuffing my face with toddler cereal bars when he got up at 6 to go to work.

Life was getting pretty difficult, and I started to function less and less well. As the mom, this started affecting EVERYONE pretty harshly.

I finally reached the point where something needed to be done… I HAD TO GET SOME SLEEP.

So I decided, once and for all, I would do WHATEVER IT TOOK to get myself sleeping.

I did try zolpidem (Ambien), and it did work – mostly – but I knew it wasn’t a long term solution. (I used it for a handful of nights here and there for my sanity while I was researching how to cure insomnia.)

My goal was to cure my insomnia naturally.

And here’s what it took, in order from most important to least important – as far as I can tell:

Complete diet overhaul
Eliminating caffeine and alcohol
The addition of a number of supplements
Elimination of blue lights in the evening
A new mattress
Essential oils
I stopped going to bed SO late
I truly believe all of these things played a role in curing my insomnia (although, some more than others).

Some of them won’t apply to you, for example – if you’re not breastfeeding a baby all night, the weaning thing is moot… but there are other things on the list I would bet money will likely help you.

I would also be surprised if you have TRIED all these things so far.

Let’s look at each of these things in detail.

When my baby was nearly a year old I found out that the over the counter sleeping aids I had been DREAMING of being allowed to take again soon (when we weaned) were actually prettttty bad for me, I was basically devastated.

My insomnia had reached new levels of horrible, and I had been hanging onto those little blue pills as my light at the end of the tunnel.

I’d tell myself “just one more month and then I can wean and FINALLY get some sleep!” (I had a goal of one year of nursing.)

I mourned the loss of those pills for about a week, and then I decided it was time to make some real changes.

I swear, this is the thing that made THE BIGGEST DIFFERENCE THE FASTEST – this is what I credit the MOST for curing my insomnia in less than a week.

Also, you can do a complete diet overhaul for very little money… depending on how you normally eat, this might even SAVE you money!

I removed from my diet (and fridge) – sugar, grains, processed foods, non-vegetable carbs and pork.

Now, even though that’s a short list, it actually eliminated MOST of the food I’d eat on a daily basis.

In fact, at first, some days I struggled to figure out what I COULD eat. For the first few weeks I stuck pretty hard to this list:

ANY vegetable, raw or cooked – and ESPECIALLY juiced
ANY fruit, fresh, frozen, pureed, cooked – NO added sugar
Chicken, fish, or beef (in an unprocessed, unbreaded form)
Eggs – scrambled, hard-boiled, how ever you like ’em
Limited dairy – a little cheese here and there, a little cream or milk in recipes that needed it
Nuts, seeds, limited beans
Vega protein powder, (because it’s not gross, it doesn’t have fake bad for you crap in it, and I needed something really fast for breakfast or a snack some days)
It took me some practice to come up with meals I could create from this list of foods. It was hard.

I am going to write a separate post with a ton of meal ideas and details on exactly how and what I eat if you are interested in trying to eat this way!

Now, you might be wondering why I choose these foods as “safe” foods – and how I determined what to quit eating.

When my dad was 38, he had a heart attack. I was 12.

That was the year that my family became “healthy” – my mom and dad visited a naturopath each month, and she helped them learn what was good for you – and what wasn’t. Over the years (into my adulthood on my own) I have met and worked with MANY nutrition based doctors.

Most of them have very similar advice, and the “diet” I created for myself was a compilation of what I’ve learned over time. So it’s not a “real” diet that you can go out and buy and follow along with… this one is just based on my own common sense.

Eat WHOLE foods. Foods that are closest to how they come out of nature.

Within a matter of days of beginning to eat this way, I was able to fall asleep in under an hour after getting into bed and remain asleep for at least 3-4 hours.

After the first week of eating this way, with the addition of supplements, I was able to fall BACK to sleep after waking in the night.

This week I read an interesting blurb about food and sleep, that confirmed for me that I am absolutely on the right track when it comes to diet and sleep:

“…foods can actually undermine your nightly rest. Foods that can interfere with sleep include high-sugar, high-carbohydrate, heavily-processed foods. The same junk food that’s problematic for your waistline can also be troublesome to your sleep. Eating sugary foods throughout the day can cause pronounced changes to blood sugar, which can bring on feelings of fatigue that can alter your daily routine and your sleep patterns at night. Large meals high in carbohydrates can have a similar effect on blood sugar. Eating heavy meals close to bedtime interferes with the body’s process of winding down for sleep.” read more here

I have this one UNDER diet in order of importance for curing insomnia quickly and naturally because I actually eliminated caffeine and alcohol 100% two weeks BEFORE making any other diet changes and saw only very limited improvement in my sleep.

However, I’m confident that should I have a big glass of wine before bed, I would NOT sleep as well – or perhaps at all. Same with coffee.

I think it was eliminating these things in conjunction with the diet changes that make a big difference for me when it comes to sleep.

Giving up coffee was hard, and giving up wine was harder. I just adore both of them… but I was totally committed to curing my insomnia naturally.

Now, in the evening when I want to sip on something I have a cup of this sleeping tea.

I’ve always been pro-supplements (largely because I knew my diet was poor, and they allowed me to feel like I was still being “healthy” while eating ice cream and fries).

So, I’ve actually always taken magnesium (which is touted as one of the most “sleep-enhancing” supplements out there and it sure DID help me sleep when I was pregnant).

Magnesium alone wasn’t cutting it anymore, though.

Over the past few months I’ve added 5- htp, Ortho-Sleep, melatonin, and CDB oil containing TCH to my daily routine. I take them ALL about half an hour before bed (with my magnesium).

I tried the magnesium and melatonin alone for about a month (before starting the diet changes) and saw minimal improvement. Some nights I did manage to fall asleep after a couple of hours with this combination, but I wanted much better than that.

I also tried CBD oil with zero THC for about three months and saw absolutely no improvement. The oil that I have that contains the TCH has minute amounts. There are NO psycho-active effects at all from the oil. (Cannabis is legal in Canada so it is easy to get “whole plant” CBD oil here, but in the USA or other places, it may be more difficult? I’m not totally sure, to be honest.)

I saw an instant improvement in my sleep the DAY I started taking the whole plant CBD oil.

The 5- htp and the Ortho-Sleep I started taking at the same time – so I can’t comment on one over the other, but the effect was – again – instantly improved sleep.

Because the Ortho-sleep contains 3 mg of melatonin, I decided to try skipping the melatonin as a stand-alone when I took the Ortho-sleep.

I found it took me longer to fall asleep without the extra melatonin… after experimenting, I find that taking 3-6 mg of melatonin PLUS the Ortho-sleep, 5-htp, magnesium, and the CBD oil is what produces the best sleep for me.

Over the past three years, I have worked my behind off creating a very profitable online business… but I have small children, which means I have worked mostly in the evening when their dad is home.

Sometimes, after I get my kiddos down, I go back to the computer and work ’till 1 or 2 am.

If I DON’T work on the computer, I almost always hang out on my phone in bed for an hour trying to “wind down”.

We know that blue lights can be devastating for your sleep. We KNOW this. (But, I liked to ignore this.)

I now try to stay away from the computer in the evening when I can (which means often getting up earlier than the kids to work, but that’s not a problem when I’ve actually gotten some sleep the night before).

But, a job is a job and sometimes we HAVE to work when we can. So I bought these blue light blocking glasses and am diligent to wear them if I have to work after 6 pm or so.

I also broke up with my phone. I have a strict no phone in bed policy now. If I DO have to use my phone for something in the evening, I have a blue light filter app that comes on around 8.

(A big bonus to this is that I stay off personal facebook, which I find causes anxiety which ALSO disrupts my sleep. Facebook is full of negative things that bring me down… my sleep is instantly better without it!)

TV never seems to bother me that much, so I do still watch a little TV in the evenings now and then – but I sure don’t sit there for uninterrupted hours!

This one is down here at the bottom of the list for me, because I DO believe the mattress we purchased HAS contributed to my better sleep, but before starting the new diet and supplements and staying away from the computer at night, I have spent numerous sleepless nights on the mattress, so it was not a fix for me in and of itself.

However, I have spent NO sleepless nights uncomfortable on the mattress and I think that’s a big deal.

You are gonna think I’m crazy here, but just under a year ago, we bought a brand new king size mattress on sale for about 900$. It was a STEAL – it was some sort of euro-top pro back top of the line thing…